Building the Foundation of Connected Construction and Customized Technology

As we explore our current situation in today’s construction industry, there has been a stagnant growth in the global labor productivity in construction. Global Labor productivity only averaged 1% a year over the past two decades, compared with growth of 2.8% for the total world economy and 3.6% in manufacturing (Reference: Mckinsey Global Institute – Reinventing Construction: A route to higher productivity). It is evident that there is a gap that needs to be filled in infrastructure development. Thus, Stanza Technologies provides next generation solutions to address the current issues that our industry faces using innovative technology.

Stanza Technologies is a software and service provider with the main product called “Valideit”. Valideit is a unified construction Common Data Environment (CDE) that integrates and validates real-time planned and actual data for total risk management. The system has 8 main functions with THREE fundamental principles:

  1. Unified Common Data Environment – One platform, one data
  2. Automated Alert System – Automatic validation of planned and actual data for technical and cost management
  3. Real-Time Data – Decentralized data entry through the web app and mobile app access

Stanza Technologies helps build the foundation of connected construction and customized technology to provide higher construction productivity. Helping companies in the industry to save cost, achieve faster ROI, and improve quality thru real-time integrated technology and data.