Building Construction Technology Expo 2023

Exciting news! We just joined in exploring the latest construction technology at the Building Construction Technology Expo in Hall 5, Impact Exhibition and Convention Center, Bangkok, Thailand, last September 20 to 22! We became part of the Southeast Asian Building and Construction Technology Exhibition and Conference in Bangkok, Thailand.

On Day 1 of Building Construction Technology, we dived into a whirlwind of meetings through the Business Matching program. Local companies shared their passion for standardizing BIM and digital tech in construction, setting the stage for an exciting journey ahead.

As we entered Day 2 of the Building Construction Technology Expo, things got even more exciting. We had more meetings through the Business Matching Programs and met more people who were really interested in what we have to offer – our software and services. The energy and excitement for bringing innovation to the construction industry were contagious.

On the final day of the Building Transformation Technology Expo, we took center stage. We showcased our software and services, sparking a transformative discussion that helped us convey our offerings more effectively.

Stanza Technologies at Building Construction Technology Exposition as we present our innovative product and services on stage. Watch here: